Saturday, June 13, 2015

Convention Exclusive NECA Toys Force of Freedom Rambo Figure Review

Force of Freedom
The year is 1986, it's 6:30 in the morning, and my father and I are watching Rambo Force of Freedom. We both enjoyed the cartoon on a regular basis together. When the figures were released, my father was first to notice and bought me Col. Trautman and Rambo. Now realize I'm 5 years old and loved the movies and the cartoon just as much as GI JOE and Transformers. I was extremely happy to have these figures as a child and still do now. Fast forward to now, NECA toys was able to produce an excellent homage figure for all of us Force of Freedom fans. This is a special figure for me, as it reminds me of my childhood and the feelings I had when I was 5. I honestly love the figure so much I didn't want to open it.

Packaging and Artwork

The packaging is perfect with the bold red RAMBO letters up top and the art from the original figure backer below. On the back it provides us with a large picture of the figure as well as the previous Rambo figures NECA has released.  We are also lucky enough to get a sneak peak of the upcoming Bow Attack John Rambo figure that is next to be released.  Last but not least it provides the total synopsis behind RAMBO, Force of Freedom, and S.A.V.A.G.E. a nicely added detail.

The figure itself is made well and comes with 3 hands for both the left and right arm.  He also displays a new face sculpt that is done well and I really enjoy. Holding him and posing him really reminds me of the original Force of Freedom figure.

Rambo should always come with an arsenal of weapons and this figure doesn't disappoint. He comes with a brand new AK-47, Knife, Grenade, Bow, 2 arrows (One explosive and one original).  You have lots of options on how you decide you want to load up your RAMBO!

 I am very partial to this figure as it is a strong memory of my father, and NECA's version keeps that memory strong.  I love the packaging and art work on this figure, I may just buy another to have 1 unopened.  We also get the black compound bow, and the new face sculpt which may be the best one yet! This is a great SDCC exclusive that NECA will offer other ways to get, so keep your eyes peeled for it!

Be sure to check us out on twitter @Cobrashadowjoes

Sample provided by NECA Toys

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