Saturday, May 6, 2017

NECA Toys 3D 25th Anniversary Terminator 2 T-800 Review

NECA Toys T-800
The 25th anniversary of Terminator 2 is upon us and NECA has created the authentic look of Arnold from the first stages of the movie. Arnold has that slow walk, dropping the box of roses with a shotgun rising prepared for his first encounter with the T-1000.  At first sight you may not see any variance from the later version, but when he first encounters the biker at the bar his outfit is different. At this point in the movie the only damage the T-800 has taken is a cigar burn, and a poke to the chest and doesn't have much flesh damage. Let's take a closer look at the slick 25th Anniversary T-800.

  • Updated paint applications to capture T-800's initial unique look
  • Rose box is a well made and great scale
  • 2 face sculpts with accurate looks and paint applications
  • Priced accordingly for what is included 
  • The only actual new item is the rose box
The T-800 comes in a nice window package box with updated art for the 25th Anniversary of the movie.  The back of the box includes shots from the shoot out with the T-1000 in the mall, and a sneak peek at whats to come with the Terminator Cinemachines.
The 25th anniversary T-800 is a nice update from the ultimate T-800 that was released in the past year from NECA.  The 25th anniversary version includes skin tone hands instead of black gloves and a black t-shirt that he stole from the biker at the bar.  I also think that the face sculpt paint is more accurate to the movie compared to the the ultimate version.  He also comes with his shotgun, pistol and the unique rose box.  It would of been nice to actually have roses included with the figure, but I found some cheap online that I will be using.
At the price point of $19.99 I think there is enough variance in the figure to say its worth picking up.  I personally bought it because I am an insane Terminator fan and wanted him to be posed on his bike.  The rose box is very cool and the all around paint applications seem to be a higher quality from the previous T-800.  Check him out and let us know what you think and be prepared for Terminator 2 in 3D this summer!
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