Thursday, September 24, 2020

Hasbro GI JOE Classified Series Cobra Pimp Daddy Destro Review

GI JOE Classified Cobra Pimp Daddy Destro 

It's been a long time since we had new GI JOE figures from Hasbro in our hands, but its starting to look like it was worth the wait. I've been picking up the majority of the 6" classified series, but right now I think Pimp Daddy Destro is my favorite in the current line.  Now this isn't the same level of figure we are used to reviewing with the $23 price tag, but it doesn't matter its a great figure. Hasbro released the original deco Destro in wave 1, but I'm really happy they went with this repaint for him.  Lets take a closer look at what Hasbro is offering us now in the 6" scale. 

  • Very good paint applications 
  • Sunglasses fit the character perfectly
  • Cape fits snug and looks great without making the figure heavier in the back
  • Burning cash is the coolest piece of the figure
  • Destro is a great figure, no issues with paint or joints 
The Pimp Daddy Destro has some interesting lure from the past in the late 90's. What was originally supposed to be a figure never made it to the shelves and has become a grail for GI Joe collectors.  Now for me I love all GI Joe figures, but the original Pimp Daddy Destro will always be out of my price range as he goes for $1000+.  We were lucky enough to get the gold and silver versions in 2008 with the 25th anniversary line and I own them. This 6" Destro takes the look to a whole new level.  Hes an excellent figure base with great paint applications all over.  He comes with his cape, suitcase, pistol and the very cool burning wad of cash.  He has excellent articulation with no lose areas on his body.  Some of the new classified figures have a little bit of looseness in the torso, but it doesn't seem like a common issue overall.
I really didn't know what to expect when the new Classified series was announced.  I feel like series 1 missed the mark and looked to futuristic for my taste.  I decided to still buy them and make some modifications and repaint a few of the figures.  Since the first wave was released, Classified has become the hottest item on the toy market.  People are searching everyday to find these figures, so the good news is GI JOE is BACK!!! 
If you have been sitting on the fence not sure if you want to collect this line I would suggest picking up either version of Destro. Destro version one was the first figure I picked up from the line, and I am very happy with both versions Hasbro has provided.  I am hooked, I am all in with this line and even if a few things are off in my mind I am customizing them to fit the look I want. If you get a chance to get your hands on Pimp Daddy Destro I wouldn't hesitate to grab him.  He's a lot of fun to play with, and even my kids have really enjoyed this specific figure.  Lastly, GI Joe is finally back and we are so lucky to have it on the shelves, I suggest we continue to support the GI Joe products so Hasbro knows how big it is to all of us collectors!

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  1. My favorite Cobra (Kinda Cobra) so far. Plus I'm loving Beach Heads beret on that Trooper.

  2. Nice pics. Cobra trooper should be figure of the year... or hardest to find figure of the year.

  3. Thanks! It’s an excellent figure.
